Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Week 11B

In Class

In class, we signed a thank you poster for Listrak for letting us visit. Then, we discussed how the presentations went with Pannafino and what we are going to do to start our next project.

We are spending the first hour of class searching for "poorly organized websites". We aren't supposed to type it into Google...but I did anyway. I had no luck finding anything saying "These websites are poorly organized! Click here!" But I did have luck finding tons of articles saying "Bad Web Design" or "Websites that Suck".

There is a difference between a poorly designed website and a poorly organized website. A poorly designed website uses hard to read text, colors that when put together will burn your eyes out of their sockets, and low-res images. (To name a few examples)

A poorly organized website will have so much clutter that you won't know where to go on the site. A poorly designed website can look like vomit, but if you can navigate through it without any problems, then it isn't poorly organized.

If you can't find what you're looking for after hours of searching, or the site is hard to navigate, or there's so much information that you feel like you head is going to explode, then that is a poorly organized website.

So after an hour of searching, I was able to find some "poorly organized" websites. This is just my opinion though. These could be perfectly fine when it comes to organization...

  • Pretty sure this website goes on forever. Every time I think I’ve reached the bottom, nope! There’s 10,000 more stories.
  • The only section I see is “Trending Now.” The rest of the information put on the site just seems like it was put there in the order of when it was published…
  • Also, there’s a navigation under the navigation of photos in articles. When you hover over one, it displays the title of the article, and some of them have a “Omg” icon over them in 50% opacity. Or other icons like “Wtf”, “LOL”, “cute”, and a arrow going up? Like an increase in something? What is the point of this navigation? Couldn’t you just click on those icons and it shows you a whole page of “LOL” stories? Or “wtf” stories?
  • This website has about 4 navigations. There’s like, maybe 6 truckloads of information dumped into this site. I can’t imagine what the coding looks like.
  • The animations are interesting, but having the one navigation under the photo pop up really quickly and then not pop up unless you click on it...not sure if that’s needed.
  • I’m not even sure if half of the information on the site is needed, or it’s just been repeated 10,000 times in different places...
  • This website has so many animations going on at once, that it’s hard to find exactly what I’m supposed to be looking at. And these animation’s happen on EVERY page.

  • I wouldn’t say this website is absolutely terrible. What’s confusing me, though, is why the website pops up in a separate page and it’s very small...

  • Where’s the home page?

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Week 15B

In Class In class, we had people look over our 2,000 word write-ups and make revisions on Google Drive. This is the feedback I received: ...