Saturday, November 11, 2017

Week 11 Outside of Class

Outside of Class

Over the weekend, we were supposed to get our card sorting done. If our website was not approved by Pannafino, we had the weekend to post more sites on the drive file for him to look over and approve. I posted a few more sites to the drive and got my first response:

So I went to the link Pannafino provided:

I started looking at some possible websites that are poorly organized. Some of the nonprofits didn't even have websites, so that would't help me any. 

I found four websites. I am hopeful at least one website will get approved. Here's some quick images of what the websites look like:

  • Kind of hopeful he tells me to do this one.

  • You can't see the navigation. (Well, you can, but barely...)
  • Stuff everywhere. Good lord. 

  • I's not bad...but it could be better.
  • Skeptical about this one. 

  • It's not bad...just the graphics...

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Week 15B

In Class In class, we had people look over our 2,000 word write-ups and make revisions on Google Drive. This is the feedback I received: ...