Saturday, October 14, 2017

Week 7 Outside of Class

Last week, we were introduced to Project 2: User Testing.

Project Description

Pick from one of two options:

Millersville Admissions Web site (
You will conduct a mix of Guerrilla and Moderated Usability Testing on potential Millersville
students / their families. The in-person user testing will be on the undergraduate admissions
web page and based on the questions below.


Millersville Admissions Tour

You will explore the following methods Empathy Interview, Contextual Inquiry, and AS-IS and
TO-BE Analysis to better understand what prospective students and their families experience
during a tour. The in-person Empathy Interview and Contextual Inquiry will allow you to create

an AS-IS and TO-BE Analysis and final report.

Detail Information

Where – Lyle Hall - Welcome Center
Who – Potential Millersville students / their families
When – Monday and Wednesday at 2:30pm
Friday at 9:30am, 10:45am, 1:30pm, and 2:45pm

See Pannafino for registration numbers

Questions for option 1
(supplied by admission


Feel free to adjust order as you see fit:

Can you find information on how much it costs to attend Millersville University?

Can you find information about Millersville regarding national/state wide rankings?

Find information on the major that you are interested in applying for?

If you were an out-of-state student how would you find information regarding
special out-of-state offerings?

Find at least two facts about a faculty member within the academic program
you’re interested in?

Find information on how to apply as an international student?

Can you find the “fast facts” page for Millersville?

Let’s say you got admitted – find information about paying your confirmation
deposit and the “next steps in enrolling?”

Find information about living on-campus?

Forms for Review

  • Usability test script
  • Recording consent form (format and print)
  • Things a therapist would say

Formal Report

For Project 2, I decided to do the Millersville University Admissions Website. "You will conduct a mix of Guerrilla and Moderated Usability Testing on potential Millersville

students / their families. The in-person user testing will be on the undergraduate admissions
web page and based on the questions below."
The first day I was supposed to go to the Welcome Center was on October 16th, 2017 at 2:30pm. I arrived at 2pm so I could get questions in before the tours began. We were told that the guests usually plan to arrive early. 
All 4 of the potential interests didn't arrive until 10 minutes prior to the tour, so it was more difficult to get questions in, but I did manage to ask 3 people 1 question each. I brought my laptop with me, connected to wifi, and had the website pulled up so I wouldn't have to do all of that and not have time to get questions in. 
The 3 people I questioned were 1 mother, her daughter, and her daughter's friend. The daughter was interested in going to Millersville, and her friend was with her, so I assumed she would become interested.

Redoing the report for next class.

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