Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Week 15B

In Class

In class, we had people look over our 2,000 word write-ups and make revisions on Google Drive. This is the feedback I received:

Monday, December 4, 2017

Week 15A

In Class

I have finished Wireframes and am beginning my website and 2,000 word write-up.

Here is a sneak peek of my 2,000 word write-up. It's a rough, and not complete. It is a start:

Natalie Pavlovec
Professor Pannafino
Experience Design
11 Dec 2017
User Experience Design Research Process
            The purpose of this project was to pick a website lacking in organization. We were given an hour in class to search for a website that is poorly organized. The professor told us we were not allowed to google it. Unfortunately, googling stuff is how I get started in the direction of finding what I’m looking for. So instead of googling “poorly organized websites,” I started by googling sites I would see myself trying to navigate through. I found sites with too much content to handle for the last few weeks of the semester. Then I started thinking of places I live close to, and if they have websites. An example: That Fish Place. That Fish Place was the website I was going to go with first, because the professor even found it difficult to navigate through. But one of the students was able to answer one of his questions and navigate through the site easily, so That Fish Place was out of the option. Plus, looking at how much content there was, I was advised to find a site with less content. I really wanted to find a poorly organized website that was about animals or pets. After the full class time searching, and a few hours outside of class, I was able to find KPETS.

Card Sorting

Thursday, November 30, 2017

Week 14 Outside of Class

Guerrilla Testing

I have done Guerrilla Testing on 3 users.

Here are the questions I came up with:
1) Are you able to locate the steps on becoming a KPETS Therapy Team?
2) Are you able to find and list at least three different locations where KPETS serves?
3) Are you able to find the webpage where you can "Make A Gift?"
4) Are you able to find the calendar? If so, what events are being held in the month of December?
5) Are you able to find the KPETS Background Check Policy?
6) Are you able to find information if you need help with the Background Check?
7) Are you able to locate the KPETS Photo Gallery?

First, my sister, Cayla:

Second and third, my Mom and Dad:

I have also began to work on Wireframes.
These are pictures of possible layouts of the Homepage for KPETS.

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Week 14B

In Class
Class met online today. On D2L, we were supposed to type 200 words on our progress with Project 3. If you did not submit a response before 6:00pm, you were listed as absent from the class. I posted my response at 4:17pm.
Project 3: User Experience Design Research Process
My Poorly Organized Website:
Poster/Article/Web page: Web page.
Set 1: Static Evaluation & Mark-Up
Set 2: Content Patterns
Set 3: Guerrilla Testing
Set 4: Wireframes
For Project 3, I have completed Set 1 and 3/4 of Set 2. For Set 1, I printed out 3 web pages on of my choice. I printed and made 8 packets. All of the packets contained the Home Page, the Ways to Support Us Page, and the Make A Gift Page. Over Thanksgiving break, I asked 8 different people to look at the webpages and make annotations. An example of an annotation would be writing on the page how you think the page (or buttons on the page) are supposed to work. Other things to annotate were things you liked about the site, things you didn't like about the site, and any constructive criticism you have. After four people completed the static evaluation & mark-up, I repeated the test on four additional users. This provides just enough data to recognize patterns in the way users interpret the design. After reviewing all of the designs, I noticed a few users made the same comments, and some made different comments. One user liked the color scheme of the site, while another user didn't like the color scheme of the site. Most of the users stated that certain things were repetitive. Overall, I received a good amount of feedback and have now continued onto my next set: Content Patterns. 
For Content Patterns, you need at least 4-8 hours to complete it. 
  • 2-4 hours to review the patterns
  • 1-2 hours to create a content map or speadsheet
  • 1-2 hours to summarize key findings
So far, I have reviewed most patterns and have gotten more than halfway done with my content map & spreadsheet. My plan for today is to finish the content map & spreadsheet, summarize my findings, and begin guerrilla testing. I have created a sheet of 7 questions for the guerrilla test: Guerrilla Testing Questions
I was able to get 2 users today for Guerrilla Testing, and 6 out of the 7 questions were asked so far. I plan to get 2 more users tomorrow morning and hopefully all 7 questions asked. 

Monday, November 27, 2017

Week 14A

In Class

We are back from Thanksgiving Break. I am beginning Content Patterns, and Pannafino is coming around to check our progress. Nothing was assigned over break so we did not have anything due in class today. We are just supposed to tell him our progress and how far we are.

Content Patterns

I am beginning Content Patterns today. Here's a helpful website I referred too after reading the PDF Pannafino provided to us on the Drive:

Content Patterns and Displays

Week 13 Outside of Class

Tomorrow, we are back from Thanksgiving break. I am continuing to work on the next set in Project 3, which is Content Patterns.

I have succeeded in getting 8 users for the first set of tests. What they said, along with pictures, is posted in Week 13B (even though we did not have class because of break).

According to my calendar, I am supposed to have Content Patterns complete and should be starting Guerrilla Testing. I think I'm going to make some adjustments since I am beginning Content Patterns today.

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Week 13B

Thanksgiving Break
We did not have class today because Thanksgiving break started Tuesday, November 21st. I have been following my calendar and I am finishing up Static Evaluation and Mark-Ups and beginning Content Patterns. 
So far, I have gotten five people to do Static Evaluation and Mark-Ups. I chose three pages: The Home Page, The Ways to Support Us Page, and the Make A Gift Page. 

Home Page

Ways to Support Us Page

Make A Gift Page

I printed out 8 copies because you are supposed to gather information from four users. After the participants mark-up the design, you are supposed to repeat the test. When you repeat the test, you are supposed to gather information from four additional users. This provides just enough data to recognize patterns in the way users interpret the design.  

The first four users I tested was my mom (Colleen), my sister (Hope), Stevie (coworker), and Matt H. (Manager). 

User 1: Colleen

Annotations on the Home Page:

  • Informational clicks
  • What is here? Does it repeat "About Us", If yes, that's 3x on this pg.
  • This is also above (repetitive)
  • Up top
  • Calendar? Dogs? Photos?
  • All of these up in top bar (repetitive)

Annotations on the Ways to Support Us Page: 
  • Like!
  • Not sure if bar is needed if there are here
  • On each page FB, Twitter, etc. need to be more prevalent somewhere else - too small on bar. Are they to click and "Like us" if yes it needs to be stated

Annotations on the Make A Gift Page:
  • Again
  • These need the ability to add a message and acknowledgement to those being honored
  • Within the site? If yes not sure there's enough here to have to search

User 2: Hope

Annotations on the Home Page:

  • The social media icons are accessible by clicking on the icon
  • The three boxes for "Ways to Support Us", "Become a Volunteer", and "Request Our Services", are they a way of going straight to the info. for each? And if they are, I like how they stand out and appealing.
  • The "Order Yours Today" is easy to access by clicking it to get more information on it and how to order.
  • I like how the colors are standing out and how the pictures are appealing and convincing 
  • I like how it's organized
  • I don't like how the dog above the "Donate Today" box is covering up the message.

Annotations on the Ways to Support Us Page:
  • This logo really expresses the KPETS message
  • The words in orange helps people go directly to the info. for each of them with a click on the word(s)
  • I like how the green icons really represent the "Ways to Support Us", "Become a Volunteer", and "Request Our Services"
  • This email takes you directly to an email page where you can provide your thoughts to send to KPETS.
  • Helps you access certain information on this page more easily
  • I think that this advertisement should be moved under the search bar so it is lined up because it is pushed to the side

Annotations on the Make A Gift Page:
  • The * tells people you must fill that part out to continue
  • Checkboxes so you can pick what you want to support
  • This gives you more countries to pick from
  • This could be bolded to stand out more
  • I like how these continued to all the pages.

User 3: Stevie 
Annotations on the Home Page:

  • Covering lettering
  • Picture to big to fit the frame

Annotations on the Ways to Support Us Page and Make A Gift Page:
  • Nothing was stated here except for the repetitiveness of the dog in the corner above the "Donate Today" button covering the text. 

*Might get an additional user because very little feedback was provided.

User 4: Matt H.
Annotations on the Home Page:
  • Give more info of history and what has been done over the years
  • Change picture to see more of dog
  • Change background to more off-white

Annotations on the Ways to Support Us Page:
  • Change font

Annotations on the Make A Gift Page:
  • No annotations were made on this page. Due to this, I am hoping the additional users will provide information for this page.
Additional Users:
After gathering information from the first four users, I am supposed to repeat the test on four additional users. This provides just enough data to recognize patterns in the way users interpret the design.

My additional users are Jobi (friend), Cayla (my sister), and Robert (my dad). 

Additional User 1: Jobi
Annotations on the Home Page:
  • Organization has grown since starting in 2007
  • No changes
  • Learned what KPETS is and does

Annotations on the Ways to Support Us Page:
  • Many ways of donators
  • Easy able to Volunteer
  • Easily able to Make Request
  • Good color scheme

Annotations on the Make A Gift Page:
*There are no annotations made on this page, due to this, I am remaining hopeful the other two additional users will provide information on this page. If not, I will add another additional user to the test.

Additional User 2: Cayla
Annotations on the Home Page:
  • About us?
  • Blog?
  • Bigger
  • Repeals
  • Event?
  • Same as volunteer 
  • Same as service
  • Should be on nav bar

Annotations on the Ways to Support Us Page:
  • Repetitive
  • All go to PayPal?
  • Should be top of page
  • What?
  • Same thing

Annotations on the Make a Gift Page:
  • Why? Just use PayPal

Additional User 3: Robert
Annotations on the Home Page:
  • Same thing in both places
  • Make smaller to show entire dogs face
  • Larger print
  • Asking same thing twice

Annotations on the Ways to Support Us Page:
  • Repeating
  • Make larger
  • Centeralize 

Annotations on the Make a Gift Page:
  • Repeating message
  • Larger - repeating from previous page
  • I would condense into two pages instead of three of 
  • Give each drop down it's own page from main page.

Additional User 4: Brittany
Annotations on the Home Page:
  • Crap font
  • Shiba inus instead
  • ugly color
  • seems too randomly placed

Annotations on the Ways to Support Us Page:
  • Not cute enough
  • prefer shiba inus
  • too much marginal space
  • what?
  • makes me uncomfortable
  • bland color

Annotations on the Make a Gift Page:
  • ugly color
  • all too vague to understand

Week 15B

In Class In class, we had people look over our 2,000 word write-ups and make revisions on Google Drive. This is the feedback I received: ...