Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Week 1B

In Class

In class, we were assigned group members for project 1. My team members are Matt and Kyle. We spent the first part of class getting to know each other, and then we had to present each other for 1 minute.

Facts I Gathered About My Team


  • likes golf
  • likes skateboarding, snowboarding
  • likes Nascar
  • makes vape juice for electronic cigarettes
  • has 1 older brother
  • loves pizza

  • likes fishing
  • likes wrestling
  • likes racing
  • likes Frank Sinatra
  • has a younger brother and a younger sister
  • likes the sound that the cars in Nascar make when they go around the track

After we did this, we got situated for our first Studio visit and for our high school visits. Then we went back to our first groups to start research for Project 1. 

Here is some helpful websites I found for basketball:

Monday, August 28, 2017

Week 1A

On August 28th, 2017, it was the first day of classes at Millersville University for the Fall 2017 semester. Experience Design was my second class for the day. Starts at 3PM and goes until 5:30PM.

In class, we went over the syllabus and shared our strengths and weaknesses with the class. Then, we were asked what we thought usability was. After writing down our own definitions, we were put in groups and our groups had to come up with one definition together. 

After that exercise, we took notes. 

What is Usability?

Usability involves:
  • Quality of experience - is it easy to use?
  • Functional - does it work?
  • Utility - is it useful?
  • Satisfying - is the user satisfied?

Experience Design is

the design of anything
independent of medium
or across media
with human experience as an explicit outcome
and human engagement as an explicit goal

Week 15B

In Class In class, we had people look over our 2,000 word write-ups and make revisions on Google Drive. This is the feedback I received: ...